
Meditation | What is it and Why is it Important

Meditation in a Simple Sense


Many of us underestimate the power of meditation, and many of us do not even know what mediation is. We all heard about books talking about the strength of your subconscious mind, listened to public speakers talking about how strong you can be if you reveal your inner powers .. simply, all that is being derived from the raw material called "Meditation". Let us discover this vague world which is not a new thing, but you will be shocked to know that it's already there since the creation of mankind.


Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to promote health and well-being. There are many different types of meditation, but the basic premise is always the same: to focus and connect with the inner self.

1. What is Meditation

Meditation is a practice where we focus our attention inwardly on ourselves. We do this by focusing on our breathing, our thoughts, and our emotions. In doing so, we learn how to control these things and gain self-awareness. We use meditation to help us become aware of what's going on inside of us and outside of us as well.

2. Benefits of Meditation

Meditation has been practiced for centuries, but it’s only in recent years that Western science has begun to study its health benefits. And the findings are quite impressive. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, improve mental clarity and focus, boost immunity, improved memory, increased creativity, reduced anxiety, improved sleep quality, and more.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your health and well-being, meditation may be a perfect fit. There are many different types of meditation, so you can find a practice that suits your needs and interests. And with more and more research being conducted on the health benefits of meditation, we are sure to learn even more about this ancient practice in the years to come.

There are many different ways to mediate. You can meditate sitting, lying down, standing, walking, or even while driving. There are also various types of meditation, including mindfulness meditation, mantra meditation, and yoga.

3. Types of Meditation

There are many types of meditation and sometimes we hear about a new type that has been discovered or invented. Here we will enlist the most popular types of meditation.

Mindfulness meditation

focuses on being fully present in each moment. It teaches us to pay attention to the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness meditation, which has its roots in the teachings of Buddhism, is one of the most popular and well-studied meditation techniques in the West. This type of meditation is suitable for those who do not have a teacher to guide them, as it is easy to practice on their own.

Mantra meditation

Involves repeating a word or phrase over and over again. This type of meditation uses a repetitive sound to clear the mind.  Some people enjoy mantra meditation because they find it easier to focus on a word than on their breath.  This is also a good practice for people who don`t like silence and enjoy repetition. 


Is a combination of physical exercise and meditation. Yoga is a spiritual and ascetic practice of Hinduism, some of which are widely practiced for health and relaxation and include controlling breath, simple meditation, and adopting specific postures.

Focused Meditation

Focused meditation involves focusing on one of your five senses.

For example, you can focus on internal things such as breathing, or use external influences to focus your attention.


Count the beads

Listen to the gong

Stare at the candle flame

Count your breaths

Watch the moon

This exercise may be easy in theory, but it can be difficult for beginners to concentrate. There are cases. A few minutes or more at first.

If your mind wanders, go back to practice and refocus.

As the name suggests, this exercise is perfect for those who want to sharpen their concentration and attention.

There are other types of meditation like spiritual meditation, transcendental meditation, progressive relaxation which we would discuss in further details in another article.

4. How to Start?

You can start practicing meditation right now! Here are some tips on how to start meditating:

• Sit comfortably in a quiet place.

• Close your eyes.

• Focus on your breath.

• Breathe deeply and slowly.

• Try not to think about anything else.

• When you feel ready, open your eyes.

Happy Meditation !

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