The Digit of Life
The digit of life |
Life Path Number Calculator
To know your life path number, You need to enter your birth date as numbers only to calculate your life path number. You should add the digits of the month, day, and year until you arrive at a single digit number.
How digit of life is calculated |
Let's see the lab question.
- improving the student's skills in operating with strings;
- converting integers into strings, and vice versa.
Some say that the Digit of Life is a digit evaluated using somebody's birthday. It's simple - you just need to sum all the digits of the date. If the result contains more than one digit, you have to repeat the addition until you get exactly one digit. For example:- 1 January 2017 = 2017 01 01
- 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 12
- 1 + 2 = 3
Your task is to write a program which:
- asks the user her/his birthday (in the format YYYYMMDD, or YYYYDDMM, or MMDDYYYY - actually, the order of the digits doesn't matter)
- outputs the Digit of Life for the date.
Test data
Sample input:19991229
Sample output:
Sample input:
Sample output:
Solution Code
Solution #1
text = (input("Please enter your birthday as numbers only: "))
if len(text) != 8 or not text.isdigit():
print("Date format is invalid")
while len(text) > 1:
the_sum = 0
for i in text:
the_sum += int(i)
text = str(the_sum)
# date of birth
dob = input("Please enter your birthday as numbers only: ")
# digit of life
dol = 0
for num in dob:
dol += int(num)
if dol > 9:
dol = dol % 10 + dol // 10
# printing result
print("The Digit of Life Number: " + str(dol))
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