
Python LAB: The continue statement - the Pretty Vowel Eater LAB: The continue statement - the Pretty Vowel Eater

the Pretty Vowel Eater
The Pretty Vowel Eater

If you're taking PCAP - Programming Essentials In Python , you may have encountered this question in LAB: The continue statement - the Pretty Vowel Eater.


Familiarize the student with:

using the continue statement in loops;

modifying and upgrading the existing code;

reflecting real-life situations in computer code.


Your task here is even more special than before: you must redesign the (ugly) vowel eater from the previous lab ( and create a better, upgraded (pretty) vowel eater! Write a program that uses:

a for loop;

the concept of conditional execution (if-elif-else)

the continue statement.

Your program must:

ask the user to enter a word;

use user_word = user_word.upper() to convert the word entered by the user to upper case; we'll talk about the so-called string methods and the upper() method very soon - don't worry;

use conditional execution and the continue statement to "eat" the following vowels A, E, I, O, U from the inputted word;

assign the uneaten letters to the word_without_vowels variable and print the variable to the screen.

Look at the code in the editor. We've created word_without_vowels and assigned an empty string to it. Use concatenation operation to ask Python to combine selected letters into a longer string during subsequent loop turns, and assign it to the word_without_vowels variable.

Test your program with the data we've provided for you.

Test data

Sample input: Gregory

Expected output:


Sample input: abstemious

Expected output:


Sample input: IOUEA

Expected output:

Solution Code

word_without_vowel = ""
user_word = input("Please Enter a Word: ").upper()
#vowels A, E, I, O, U
for letter in user_word:
    if letter == "A":
    elif letter == "E":
    elif letter == "I":
    elif letter == "O":
    elif letter == "U":
        word_without_vowel += letter

In below video, we will see how for loop works. We started with an empty variable word_without_vowel to use it later to combine the letters which are NOT VOWELS. It checks each condition with the statements inside the block. If True then the condition is exempted/passed

If letter == "A":


This means, if the letter equals "A", the letter is passed and not shown

A new thing which is word_witout_vowel += letter which adds or combines the letter which has not exempted/not vowels to be printed in the console as one word


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